Wednesday, October 29, 2014

‪#‎TheWordWorkout‬ Tip #3. ~ Scripture Alarms {Session 3}

A great way to hold yourself accountable for your quiet time (prayer and bible study) with God is to set scripture alarms in your phone. Below is an example from an online Bible study group called HelloMornings. If you're interested, set your scripture alarms in your phone tonight and comment with a photo of your phone! Let me know if you need any help.

Scripture Alarm from Hello Mornings
Angela Marks Scripture Alarms

{Session 4}: Setting a Time and Place to Meet with the Lord

{Session 4}: Setting a Time and Place to Meet with the Lord

We have recognized that we have a thirst and that only thing that can satisfy is drinking of His living water. We have begun to be inspired to allow the word of God to be our oasis. Our hearts and minds are clear and focused on his presence and now it’s time to meet. When, where, and how shall we accomplish this plan? Why not schedule time to be alone with the Lord?

{Session 4}: Setting a Time and a Place to Meet the Lord Re-cap

After you have completed the reading in the "Setting a Time and a Place to Meet" document, please fee free to come and share your thoughts here. What is or will be your special time and place to meet with God?


THE DATE FOR THE VERSE MAPPING WORKSHOP HAS CHANGED! We WILL NOT be having our verse mapping workshop this weekend. The new date is SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH @ 2 PM - 4 PM! We are currently working on setting up Google hangout and a YouTube Channel for our out of town participants and  those unable to attend. Please share! Sorry for any inconvenience! 

{Wednesday} Warm Up Prayer & Praise

Let us stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning!

"This is the air I breathe, This is the air I breathe, Your holy presence living in me/ This is my daily bread, This is my daily bread, Your very word spoken to me/ And I I'm desperate for you, And I I'm I'm lost without you"
"Daily Prayer" Part 1- taken from The Weapons of Our Warfare by Kenneth Scott
Father, I come boldly before Your throne of grace thanking and praising You for this day. For this is the day that You have made; therefore I shall rejoice and be glad in it. I thank You Father that You have given me this day; and I enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, and into Your courts with praise. I give You all the glory and the honor, and I bless Your holy name.
You said that if we acknowledge You in all our ways, You would direct our path. Father, I acknowledge You in all my ways concerning this day, and I thank You for directing my path in every situation. You also said that if we commit our works unto You, that You would establish our thoughts. So I commit all my works unto You now, and I thank You for establishing and directing my every thought throughout this day. I pray that You would be a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path today, and guide me with Your eyes and Your Spirit as You order my footsteps.
Father, You said that You desire above all things that we would prosper and be in health, even as we prosper spiritually. I pray first and foremost in my life that You would bless me to prosper spiritually. Bless me to grow in grace and in the knowledge, understanding and usage of Your Word. Bless me to grow in obedience to Your Word - to be a doer of Your Word and not a hearer only. Bless me to draw close to You, and give me a continuing desire to intimately know You more. For You said that if we draw close to You , then You would draw close to us...
***Below in the comments, please add your prayer.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

{Tuesday} Warm Up Prayer & Praise

{Tuesday} From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.Psalm 113:3. Let us stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning!

Heavenly Father, I pray that you would continually bless and allow me to magnify You, and lift up Your holy, mighty, and majestic name all the days of my life. For Your loving kindness is better than life. Therefore, my lips shall forever praise You and I will bless You as long as I shall live.
Father, these things I desire and pray above all else: that I will always love You with all of my heart, soul, strength and might; that I may dwell in Your presence all the days of my life; that I may never lose my love for You; that I will always seek You first and foremost all the days of my life, and never stop seeking You, or take my eyes off of You; that You will always be the apple of my eyes; and that You will keep my heart in love of God and not allow anything to separate me from You, or take my love from You.
I thank You Father that You are everything to me. For You have revealed Yourself to me through Your Word as "JEHOVAH", THE GREAT "I AM." For You are everything I need.
When I'm thirsty, You're the Living Water which fills me up until I overflow with gladness. When I'm hungry You're the Bread of Life which feeds my soul. When I'm in need of a friend, You're a Friend that sticks closer than any brother. When I need a doctor, You're my Great Physician. When I need peace, You're the Prince of Peace. When I'm in battle, You're my Captain in Charge. When I'm in court, You're my Great Advocate. When storms arise, You're my Peace in the midst of every storm, and You become my Bridge over troubled waters.
Father, I pray that Your goodness and mercy follows me this day, as well as throughout all the days of my life, as You bless me to dwell in Your secret place. And I give You all the glory, the honor, the praise, the adoration and thanksgiving.
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever, AMEN!
("Prayer of Praise and Worship" Part 3- taken from The Weapons of Our Warfare by Kenneth Scott)

Monday, October 27, 2014

This Week's Schedule

Good Morning! I wanted to give everyone time to catch up on the first three sessions so tomorrow we will continue our Weekly Workout on "Preparation" gathering materials and getting our spiritual gym ready for our workout! Feel free to print all Pdf's to keep for future reference.

This Week's Word Workout Schedule:
Monday- Catch up on Sessions 1 - 3
Tuesday -Session 4: Setting a Time and Place to Meet 
Wednesday- Tone At Home
Thursday-Session 5: Gathering Quiet Time Resources & Materials
Friday - Tone At Home

{Monday} Warm Up Prayer and Praise

{Monday} Let's stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning! Feel free to continue your prayer and praise through comments or just type "Amen". For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ... Matthew 18:20

"Prayer of Praise and Worship" Part 2- taken from The Weapons of Our Warfare by Kenneth Scott
Heavenly Father, In You , O Lord my God, the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty over all the heavens and in the earth is Thine. Thine is the Kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is the power to make great and to give strength unto all.
I love You, O Lord my God. For truly You are my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer, My God, and the Strength in whom I will trust. You are my Buckler, the Horn of my salvation, My High Tower, and the joy and the strength of my life. You are indeed the Shepherd and Bishop of my soul.
I praise You, O Lord, my God. I worship You as my Master, my Owner, my King, My Savior, and my Lord. I offer myself unto You as a living sacrifice. O Lord, let the fruit of my lips give You praise continually, and let the lifting of my hands unto You never cease. Let my prayers be set before You as incense, and let the lifting of my hand unto You be as the evening sacrifice. And Father as I send forth blessings and praises unto You, let them be a sweet sound in Your ear.
I love You, O Lord my God; and I pray that You will bless me to exalt You and Your Holy name forever and ever. For You are great, O Lord, and greatly to be praised; and Your greatness is unsearchable and never ending....
***Below in the comments, add YOUR PRAISE TO THIS PRAYER.

Friday, October 24, 2014

#TheWordWorkout Tip #2

‪#‎TheWordWorkoutTip‬ {Session 3: Preparing Your Heart and Mind} One of my favorite things to do when helping to prepare my Heart and Mind is to listen to a morning motivation or worship instrumental music. You can create a playlist on YouTube, iTunes, on your phone, tablet, computer, or create a CD. Listed below are a few links to what I listen to.
Comment below with a link of the name of a song and the artist that you like to listen to while you prepare your heart and mind for quiet time with God.

{Friday) "Warm Up" Prayer & Praise

{Friday} Let's stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning! Feel free to continue your prayer and praise through comments or just type "Amen". For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ... Matthew 18:20

"Prayer of Praise and Worship" Part 1- taken from The Weapons of Our Warfare by Kenneth Scott
Heavenly Father, as I come before You this day, I enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, and into Your courts with praise. I give You all the thanksgiving, the glory, the honor, and the praise, and I bless Your holy name. For it is a good thing to give thanksgiving and praise to the Lord.
Father, I take this time to magnify, praise, and exalt Your holy name, because you are worthy to be praised; therefore, I will bless You, O Lord, at all times, and Your praise shall continually be in my mouth.
How excellent is Your name in all the earth. There is no one like You, O Lord. For You are far above all nations, kings, and kingdoms. You are the God of gods, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. You are the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, The Beginning and the End. Before You, O Lord, there was no other, and You shall outlive eternity itself. You are clothed with beauty, strength, honor and majesty.
Father, I serve You with gladness, and I come before Your presence with thanksgiving. I know that You, O Lord, are God. For You have made us, and not we ourselves. We are Your people, and the sheep of Your pasture.
You alone do great wonders through all the earth. With Your wisdom, You made the heavens; and with the power of Your Word, You stretched out the earth above the waters. You gave us the sun to rule by day, and the moon and stars to rule by night. You are far above all principalities, might, and dominions; and Your name is far above every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. They shall speak of Your glory and talk of Your power forever. Men shall speak of the might of Your terrible acts, and I will declare Your greatness.
I praise You for Your steadfast love that never ceases; for it is renewed every morning. Great is Your faithfulness, O Lord. From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, Your name is worthy to be praised.
I have tasted of You, O Lord, and I have found You to be good unto my soul. You are unto my soul as the sweet smell of fragrance, and You are sweeter than the honey in a honeycomb. I bless You, O Lord, from the depths of my soul; and with all that is within me, I bless Your holy name....
***Below in the comments, add YOUR PRAISE TO THIS PRAYER.

{Session 3}: Preparing Your Heart and Mind

In our natural state, we rebel with fear and desire to control. We seek fulfillment from this physical world and follow after our ever-changing feelings. So we need Him to cultivate the soil of our hearts. We need Him to prepare us to hear His Word. We need Him to open our eyes and ears or tragically we will walk away from time with Him, reverting back into our plans and our desires for the day. We will check off the “quiet-time” box on our to-do list but remain thirsty. He prepares our hearts through prayer. As we dialogue with Him through praise, confession, intercession, and thanksgiving, our hearts soften to receive His living water.

{Session 3}: Preparing Your Heart and Mind Re-cap

After you have completed the reading in the "Preparing Your Heart and Mind" document, please fee free to come and share your thoughts here. What was your takeaway from today's reading? Are you going to "Put into Practice" those things share? Will you "Create and Share" some of the ideas listed?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

{Thursday} The "Warm Up" Prayer & Praise

{Thursday} Let's stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning! Feel free to continue your prayer and praise through comments or just type "Amen". For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ... Matthew 18:20
"Like the dew in the morning, Gently rest upon my heart
Like the dew in the morning, Gently rest upon my heart
Rest Jesus, Rest Jesus, Rest Jesus, Like the Dew in the Morning"
(Like the Dew in the Morning:
Good Morning Lord, As we rose in our beds this morning we felt your hand touch our faces and you called each of us by name. We were so blessed to rise to such a sweet savor of your love that protected us and our families as we rested on last night. So this morning we rise to say, "Like the Dew in the morning, Gently rest upon our hearts!" Lord God, we acknowledge your presence! You are our living word, you are our daily bread, you are our present help! You are God and God alone and we praise your Holy Name! Many of us rose and open the blinds in our homes, we stepped out on our porches and lawn to awaken to a soft dew that rested upon the yard. Jesus, we ask that you rest upon our hearts this morning, just like that dew. Reign Lord Jesus, Move Lord Jesus, Rest Lord Jesus, Abide Lord Jesus! We surrender this morning to your will and your way. Guide us on this morning! God, whatever you have for our hands to accomplish, we ask that you establish the work. Although many of us our working for man today, we know within our hearts that we are diligently working for you. We thank you for this mornings sunshine, we thank you for providing safe travel for our families to work and school. We thank you for what you will provide for us this day. We ask your Holy Spirit to help us not to focus on any seen or unseen issue that will arise along today's path, but our focus is on your presence. Give us your perspective of how we should view today! We are ever so grateful that we walk with an abiding joy! In Jesus Name we do pray, Amen!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

{Wednesday} The "Cool Down" Worship & Prayer

{Wednesday} Let's bow before the throne of grace as we "Cool Down" through worship and prayer tonight! Feel free to continue your prayer and worship through comments or just type "Amen". For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ... Matthew 18:20
"All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live. I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.
All to Jesus I surrender, Humbly at His feet I bow, Worldly pleasures all forsaken; Take me, Jesus, take me now.
All to Jesus I surrender, Make me, Savior, wholly Thine; Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit, Truly know that Thou art mine." -I Surrender All, Hymn
Heavenly Father, We come before your presence tonight humble and surrendered. Lord God, we thank you for this day. The way you cared for us and made our paths straight. God even in the midst of the obstacles on today we were able to focus on your presence and before we knew it we were long passed those hurdles. Your presence Father is our safety place and we are so humbled to be able to dwell therein. Your word says that He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty! Almighty God you are! We thank you for allowing us to abide under your shadow today. In the midst of things that were thrown our way, we remained in the safest place, under the covering of your mighty hand. Lord God, for many of us, today was a long day. But we count it all joy because in your presence that is where we find fullness. Heavenly Father, we thank you for your Holy Spirit that walks with us, talks with us, and intercedes on our behalf. Today, many of us came before difficult situations, but we believe through faith that the Holy Spirit was talking to you on our behalf! Tonight Father, we ask that you cover us as we began to prepare ourselves for bed. Comfort every hurting heart on tonight. Lift the burden of anxiety and stress that causes sleeping to be uneasy. Lord, we pray that you send rest tonight for our souls. Give us peace as we sleep. We come against bad dreams and negative thoughts on tonight and we pray that every thought is lined up according to your will. Your word commands us to think on things that are pure, lovely, of good report, honest and just. Tonight we command our minds to line up with your word. We pray against every attack of the enemy on tonight. Cover our homes and our family as they sleep. Keep us safe from harm and allow us to awake once again on tomorrow morning. Father, tomorrow we are thankful to rise again to seek the one who gives us thirst. We pray that the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart was found acceptable and pleasing in your sight today. We confess of all wrongful doings and thoughts that caused us to fall short today and replace those things with obedience to your word and submission. Lord God, we love you and we will always worship your magnificent and Holy Name. This prayer we pray with a sincere heart. In Jesus Name. Amen

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

{Session 2}: Inspired to Action

Dehydration is now over! Since you have taken your first step into drinking His “Living Water” your thirst has just began to be quenched and now it’s time to make sure that you never have to search for anything else but what the Father has to offer you, it’s time to get into action! Let’s become FIT (Faithful, Inspired and Teachable) as we embark on our next session: “Inspired to Action.”

Inspired to Action Document

{Session 2}: Inspired to Action Re-cap

After you have completed the reading in the "Inspired to Action" document, please fee free to come and share your thoughts here. What has inspired you to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness? What has been a challenge in your life when it comes to spending time of prayer, study and fellowship with God in your personal life? Did you make that commitment today?

{Tuesday} Warm Up- Prayer and Praise

{Tuesday} Let's stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning! Feel free to continue your prayer and praise through comments or just type "Amen". For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ... Matthew 18:20

Good Morning Lord, we are ever so grateful that the earth is yours and the fullness thereof, so we stop this morning to awaken to your presence and once again come before your throne humble and ever so seeking to praise and worship your Holy name! We thank you Lord for last nights rest and even if some of us tossed and turned we thank you for this mornings rising because we know in the midst of whatever we experienced on yesterday and whatever anxiety we had on last night that kept sleeping from being easy, you were working it out on our behalf! We are so grateful to serve a God that in the midst of our slumber and sleep you are working! In the midst of our pain, you are working! In the midst of our troubles you, you are working! For you said in your word, for us to cast our cares upon you, for you care for us! What a mighty God we serve. So today, we come to serve notice to the enemy, that every fear, ever anxiety, ever doubt, every worry, every devastation, every uncertainty we cast upon our Father God and we know and trust this morning that He is taking care of every need. Father, there may have been somethings that we have done up until this morning that was unpleasing in your sight, so we openly confess and we release those things to you. Cleanse us with the power of the blood of your Son Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit help us to see the errors of our ways and the disobedience in our hearts and actions. Purge us and make us clean on God, search our hearts, test us, and renew a right spirit in us today. Lord God, as we go to our designated places of work, fellowship, or whatever we so abide this morning, help our hands to work diligently, for we work not for man but for you. Touch our spouses, children and family members in a mighty way God. Guard their hearts and minds on today. Cover them in your blood and power. Release a hedge of protection around vehicles and school buses, Oh God! Father, we thank you for each woman and each man assembled here in this community. We speak life into them and we comfort them through every situation. We are our brothers and sisters keeper. Continue to prick our hearts to pray and encourage one another. Allow our spirits to continue to thirst after you. In this land that dry and barren, we hunger for you oh God. We seek after you Father, and we ask that you release the fullness of your spirit on this morning! Saturate us with your presence and give us Jesus Joy! The joy that never disseminates! The joy that rises when frowns want to peek their head! Heavenly Father, for those of us still struggling with the thirst of this world, we ask that you touch those hearts today! Meet us at the well Father, with our broken and crack cisterns, and offer us your living water today! The quench thirster that will never cause our wells or our mouths to ever go dry! Lord God, it's with sincere gratitude that we say thank you! Thank you for how you made those decisions for us that meant us good even when we felt resentment towards you and our pride was in the way, we thank you that you saw fit to give us what we needed instead of what we wanted, we could have been in the wrong place! That's the type of Father that your children need. We love you Lord on today and we will praise and acknowledge your presence for you are our God, our Lord and Savior, our beginning (Alpha) and our end (Omega). These things we humbly present to you and we ask you to hear our prayer and incline thy ear to us. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

Session 1: Recognizing My Thrist

{Session 1}: Recognizing My Thirst
We may know that His Word is "living water" meant to quench our soul-thirst. But many of us struggle with how to drink deeply of it. We want His Word to affect our daily living, yet it could feel as if the truths lay flat on the pages of Scripture. We pray to equip you with the tools that can help you connect with God in a meaningful way through His Word.

After you have completed the reading in the "Recognizing My Thirst" document, please fee free to come and share your thoughts here. Have you accepted today to allow the "Living Water" of Jesus Christ to quench your thirst? What things have stood in your way?

Weekly Workout # 1: PREPARATION

Welcome to our Weekly Workout # 1. Below you will find the topics that we will discuss on this week! Are you ready to be FIT (Faithful, Inspired, & Teachable)?
Schedule of Topics:
Oct 20th – Session 1: Recognizing My Thirst
Oct 21st – Session 2: Inspired to Action
Oct 22nd – Session 3: Preparing Your Heart and Your Mind
Oct 23rd – Session 4: Setting a Time and Place to Meet
Oct 24th – Session 5: Gathering Quiet Time Resources & Materials
Oct 25th & Oct 26th – Tone At Home

{Monday} Warm Up- Prayer and Praise

Let's stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning! Feel free to continue your prayer and praise through comments or just type "Amen". For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ... Matthew 18:20
Heavenly Father, It's in your precious Son Jesus Christ that we stretch our hands towards Heaven this morning to say, "Good Morning Lord." We come humbly before your throne of grace and mercy recognizing that you are our Father God. You are the one that give us breath and life to rise another day and to commune and fellowship with you once again. We acknowledge your presence in our lives this morning and the light of your Son in our hearts. We commit our thoughts, our words, and our actions to you God. Hold our hands tightly as you lead us and guide our footsteps today. Father, we confess our sins and we ask that you forgive us of our unrighteousness. We desire a clean heart and a renewed Spirit on today. Father, send your Holy Spirit to touch our hearts where we need changing. Allow our walk with you today to touch and encourage others. May we comfort those in need with the same comfort that you have given us. We thank you for how you have cared for our families last night and we commit them into your hands as we rise for work and they are headed to school and their various places. Surround them with your hedge of protection and your governing angels. We praise you for‪#‎TheWordWorkout‬ and each member that has committed to assemble themselves in this community. We pray specifically for every need in their lives to be met by you. We ask that your spirit walk with them as they make a commitment to place their goals of seeking more of you before you and themselves. Touch them with your hand of grace that they will be able to embrace those days where they don't feel like reading or studying. Allow your presence to hug them ever so tightly to remind them that your grace is sufficient. We thank you for the vision in this group, and we give every thought, ideas, word and action back to you. It's all for your glory. These things we lift up to you and ask in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen

Tone At Home: Fitness Goals

Since we all are Disciples in Training (DIT), I have a wonderful exercise for you! Take a moment to read these scriptures and write down THREE "Word Workout" Fitness goals that you would like to accomplish. Pray and ask God to show you the areas that he would like for you to improve in prayer and bible study. If you feel comfortable you can comment with your goals here. 
**{Scriptures to Read}**
1 Chronicles 16:11
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Psalm 119:105
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Colossians 4:2

Friday, October 17, 2014

#TheWordWorkout Tip #1

The primary goal of ‪#‎TheWordWorkout‬ is a personal triumph to consistently exercise your faith in prayer and bible study.There isn't a formula or set time etched in stone for you to study and pray. That is an individual choice. Some may like to have their quiet time with God in the morning before their day starts, others like mid-day during lunch time, some prefer evenings or nights after winding down and others may choose those free moments in their day! God isn't concerned with when and where, he is concerned with you consistently meeting him and seeking his presence daily! Pray and seek God for the right time for your word workout session. He knows your every need!

What is #TheWordWorkout

What is ‪#‎TheWordWorkout‬? A session of your day that you set aside to spend praying and studying God's word; often referred to as "Quiet Time" where you visit God, acknowledging his presence in your life through prayer and studying his word for application.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Purpose & Blog Guidelines

If you are new to this blog and you would like to join #TheWordWorkout, please read the Purpose & Blog Guidelines in the above corresponding tab and place an "Agree" comment under the guidelines. Thank you! :-)

We Are Glad You Are Here!

Welcome to "The Word Workout!" Here you will find daily sessions to encourage and help you as you journey to becoming spiritually fit! You will not find a perfect solution for your prayer and study time, but you will be provided some enriching ideas and creative ways to pray, study, memorize and learn the word of God to impact and change your daily life. We all are different and we have individual responsibilities, so give yourself some grace and embrace that this is a journey. Some may take big steps...some may take small ones, but a mini-stone is celebrated just as a milestone! Thank you for joining us here at "The Word Workout" and I look forward to sharing with you as you share with me! LET'S GET FIT FOR JESUS!