Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tone At Home: Fitness Goals

Since we all are Disciples in Training (DIT), I have a wonderful exercise for you! Take a moment to read these scriptures and write down THREE "Word Workout" Fitness goals that you would like to accomplish. Pray and ask God to show you the areas that he would like for you to improve in prayer and bible study. If you feel comfortable you can comment with your goals here. 
**{Scriptures to Read}**
1 Chronicles 16:11
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Psalm 119:105
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Colossians 4:2


  1. My goals are:
    - find *some* quiet Bible time every day;
    - pray every when I wake up and before I go to sleep every day;
    - find verses I can use at, um, opportune moments in my daily life.

