Tuesday, October 28, 2014

{Tuesday} Warm Up Prayer & Praise

{Tuesday} From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.Psalm 113:3. Let us stretch our arms toward Heaven as we "Warm Up" in prayer this morning!

Heavenly Father, I pray that you would continually bless and allow me to magnify You, and lift up Your holy, mighty, and majestic name all the days of my life. For Your loving kindness is better than life. Therefore, my lips shall forever praise You and I will bless You as long as I shall live.
Father, these things I desire and pray above all else: that I will always love You with all of my heart, soul, strength and might; that I may dwell in Your presence all the days of my life; that I may never lose my love for You; that I will always seek You first and foremost all the days of my life, and never stop seeking You, or take my eyes off of You; that You will always be the apple of my eyes; and that You will keep my heart in love of God and not allow anything to separate me from You, or take my love from You.
I thank You Father that You are everything to me. For You have revealed Yourself to me through Your Word as "JEHOVAH", THE GREAT "I AM." For You are everything I need.
When I'm thirsty, You're the Living Water which fills me up until I overflow with gladness. When I'm hungry You're the Bread of Life which feeds my soul. When I'm in need of a friend, You're a Friend that sticks closer than any brother. When I need a doctor, You're my Great Physician. When I need peace, You're the Prince of Peace. When I'm in battle, You're my Captain in Charge. When I'm in court, You're my Great Advocate. When storms arise, You're my Peace in the midst of every storm, and You become my Bridge over troubled waters.
Father, I pray that Your goodness and mercy follows me this day, as well as throughout all the days of my life, as You bless me to dwell in Your secret place. And I give You all the glory, the honor, the praise, the adoration and thanksgiving.
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever, AMEN!
("Prayer of Praise and Worship" Part 3- taken from The Weapons of Our Warfare by Kenneth Scott)

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